We Are

Your Gateway to Digital Success

If you have a small company, a business project or even a personal project, you NEED a Website and Internet Marketing. We are with you on that.

We Adapt to Any Budget and Help Your Business/Project Grow

We help you connect with your audience and potential clients, guaranteeing the SUPREME LAW of the web: that they find you, know you, trust you and then, do business with you.

Equipo Principal



Lead Programmer

Expert in Computing and Web Design. Specialized in Wordpress and WP Multisites



Community Manager

Psychologist, editor, marketer and eternally in love with Social Media.



Advertising and PR

Small Business Consultant. Marketing, PR and Customer Service Expert.



Systems Programmer

AAA programmer with vast experience in almost all languages ​​and platforms.



Servers and Security

The whip of hackers and spammers. Expert in servers and web security.



Psychology Advisor

Psychologist, specialized in web marketing and customer service.



IT Director

Programmer and web designer. Expert in networks, servers and web design.

Dr. Tejeda

Dr. Tejeda

Founder & CEO

Business Consultant, expert in Digital Marketing, SEO and the Hispanic Market

Our values

They define who we are and what we believe in. They guide our behaviors and actions.


Doing business and building relationships with integrity is at the heart of Progrecit’s commitments. Integrity defines the way we do things, wherever we are. It guides us to do the right thing for the lasting success of our customers, partners and employees.


We believe in radical honesty. This means we never charge hidden fees, we are always upfront with what we can and cannot do, and we explain in detail what your best options are.

Positive Impact

Our goal is to make a positive impact through our service, relationships, voluntary contributions and the many other ways we engage with our business partners and society at large.

Time to Take Action

Do you dare to take the First Step? Let’s do Something Good together!